Winn Chatham, MD
Internal Medicine, Rheumatology

Doctor Rheumatology

Dr. Chatham, Professor of Internal Medicine at the Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV graduated from Duke University with a degree in Biomedical Engineering and received his medical doctorate from Vanderbilt University. After completing a residency in Internal Medicine at The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and then serving for three years in the National Health Service Corp he then completed subspecialty fellowship training in Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. After 35 years of clinical practice and research on the faculty at UAB where he served as the Clinical Director as well as Rheumatology Training Program Director, Dr. Chatham relocated to UNLV to help develop a new clinical and training program in Rheumatology. His clinical practice encompasses all aspects of rheumatology with particular clinical and research interests in lupus, autoimmunity associated with immune deficiencies, and disorders of macrophage activation. “The progress made in developing new treatments for patients with rheumatic disorders in recent decades has been remarkable and the environment that is evolving at UNLV Health and the Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV offers much potential to expand access of these new treatments to patients in the region.”